It’s true that thieves don’t pick locks. They don’t usually have the time or resources to pick locks. To break in, they can use a key or simply break down the door. It is incorrect to claim that burglars don’t pick locks.
Unauthorized people can gain unauthorised access to property by picking locks. It is now easier than ever for people to burglarproof their doors. The only option is to pick the lock or replace it entirely.
In some cases, covert entry may be necessary to protect the victim. You suspect that your locks were picked. How can you be certain?
These are the main types of locking mechanisms:
- Standard Picking
- Bump Keys
- Bypasses

Understanding Lock Picking
The classification of methods that can Pop the lock without a proper Copy Key is key to understanding lock picking. There are many ways to unlock or open a lockwithout the key. Lock picking is also a sign that the lock can be manipulated using the keyway. It does not include attacks on the bolt, latch, or door. Also, lock picking is not destructive and therefore is covert.
These are covert entries. They can only be detected by forensic analysis. This list includes lockpicking methods that aren’t easily detected by a layman.
Standard Lock Selection
This is a combination of single-pin picking and old-fashioned raking. Although they may be different, they all work on the same principle. Raking is one method that allows for single-pin picking to be done more precisely. Both processes require the use of two tools.
The pick is one of the tools, while the tension tool is the other. The tension tool can be found on either the top or bottom of the keyway. This provides torque to the lock plug, so internals can be controlled by the tension tool and pick.
The tension tool is located on either the top or bottom of the keyway. This helps to provide the torque to the lock’s plug. The Copy key would then be manipulated by the pick. These are the main methods of lock picking in pop culture.
The majority of locks we see use a pin tumbler mechanism, so internals that are being manipulated will likely be pinned.

Indicators of standard Lockpicking
- You can make cuts at the top and bottom of the keyway.
- There are small scratches on the key pins that are not normal wear.
- There are scratches on the sides and ends of the pins.
You can inspect the keyway’s top and bottom for small scratches or gouges without Pop an lock. This indicates the need to use the tension tool. These minor marks are not left by a Copykey. The pins can be examined closely after the lock has been taken apart to identify any small scratches or cuts.
How to Prevent Standard Lockpicking
- Security pins
- Types of locks that are not standard
- Complex Keys
If you don’t want to replace or pop a lock, repinning locks is an option. It will not replace pins that are similar in length, but keys with access will still work. This will not cause any change and will not disturb the property manager, landlord, or tenant.
This will make it a little more difficult to pick the lock. The standard pins will be replaced with this new length. This change will not affect the keys that have access to the lock. The lock’s other pins will not be affected by this change. The best choice is to choose a more secure lock that is harder to pick.

Lock Bumping
A bump key-cutting is required to bump a lock. This works with the pin tumbler locks. This is done by using a blunt object that strikes the key duplication, causing the key to be bumped.
After a blow from a bump key to the pins, this process provides kinetic energy. The pins would then jump for a moment. Once the pins have jumped, the key is turned so that nothing can catch at the shear line. This requires many attempts.
This entry method works only on pin tumbler locks. It will not work with ordinary disk detainer locks, car locks, or other locks. Certain pin varieties, such as cruciform and tubular locks, can be bump-proof.
Indicator of bump Keys
- Pins with semi-uniform dents
- The sides of the pins are serrated
- Pin chambers with indentions
- The key face is deformed from the top to the bottom.
The force required to bump locks can cause more visible damage. The pins will leave more dents and scratches than traditional locksmiths.
You will see some markings that are deeper on the pins when you take the lockout. You will also see serrations along the sides of pins. They will catch on the shear line and will not be cleared. You should not be concerned about deformations of inner pins.
How to Prevent the Lock Bumping
- Security pins
- Non-Pins Tumbler Locks
- Complex Keys
Lock bumping prevention is very similar to single-pin picking and raking. The same principles are used in all forced entry processes. However, lock bumping can be more effective if it is stopped by security pins or complex keys.
A single pin can be used to pick locks that are already open. There are many pin-picking techniques that can be used to open locks. You can use jiggle keys or tryout keys to open various types of locks.
Bypass Manipulation
A criminal is more likely to master how to bypass certain locks and then to pick locks in the traditional sense. This is because all bypass methods work on the same principles and have the same success rates.
While bypasses can take many forms, they all follow the same principle: exploit certain design flaws within the lock. These design flaws can then be exploited in a way that doesn’t care about pins, warding or any other protection the lock offers. These bypass methods allow you to access the actuator and open it.
This actuator allows for the free movement the spring-loaded latch, which retracts and throws the bolt. The tailpiece, or cam, on the back side of the lockcylinder rotates when the key duplication turns the lockcylinder. Certain locks allow the actuator or cam to be moved to unlock the lock. This is known as bypassing.
Indicators of Lock Bypasses
- Markings on the Actuator
- Cuts and non-standard wear on Cams/tailpieces
- There are many ways to mark your property.
To check for bypass manipulation signs, you will need to disassemble a lock. You may see markings on the locks and faces of keys. You may find unusual keyway stuffing signs. Bypasses are by nature interdependent with the actuator and tailpiece of the lock.
After the locks have been disassembled, you can inspect the components for any gouges or other markings. If the keys are right, normal use shouldn’t leave any scratches on the back or face. It will leave certain marks if a bypass tool has been used.
Indicators of Lock Bypasses
- Change locks
- Install specific anti-bypass parts.
The illusion of security can only be achieved by bypassing locks. They can keep any safety grade they want, or they can try it out. However, the distinction of passing doesn’t count. A weakness in the lock has been discovered and it no longer provides the required level of security.
A lock without a documented skip is the best way to avoid a locked skip. It is highly recommended to change locks if you find that your lock is vulnerable to bypass.